Monday, October 8, 2007

Poor Mom

Sofia dislocated moms finger this afternoon. She was not listening as always so mom had to save her.I got a phone call late at work, I should have been on the road going home all ready, but Tim and Pam came to the rescue.

As I pulled up, Pam was playing with the kids, I open the door when I hear;

Hi Jonas.

That was Ashley and her daughter looking for some stuff that Marta said she had for them. As the kids were screaming their lungs out playing with grandma Sara appears. Her family is staying with us for two weeks or so while their house gets remodeled. With Sarah's help, she knew what I was searching for I found the stuff for Ashley (I sent Ashley to go through our closets herself to find the bathtub which she did) and they went on their way.

By now it is dinner time and I manage to get them fed and then it is bath and story time. Tim (who took Marta to the hospital) and Marta came back, Tim and Pam left, kids got a bath, I refused rice with the fish so I went to the store and made my signature bean salad, signature I tell you, kids in bed after a story. Phew!

We have had a very nice dinner, Sarah and Marta are downstairs talking, all three kids asleep and I am blogging.

The Berg residence is just now a F****** circus.

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