Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today's editorial

In today's Moultrie News was an editorial that made me laugh so much I got the hiccups.

Accompanying this letter was a picture of two scarecrows portraying Obama burying a Lady Liberty. Set with Halloween spider web and all in a man's front yard. It reports that the setting was vandalized at least twice, the head on Mr. Obama went missing once, was painted white the other time and it also states that a NRA sign had been stolen that said " I'm bitter gun owner and I vote". The dude that so tastefully put this display together, brace yourself, his name is Bubba G.

No kidding. Bubba, who else could come up with something like this. It's such a classic lowcountry mindset and I laugh rather than cry.

Bubba, and we have plenty of them here. You've got to love life in the South.

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