Sunday, July 6, 2008


I had just finished cutting the grass tonight when our neighbors pulled in after a day on the water. They jump out and we great each other and our dogs start to play.

Cindy; Jonas, look at your burn! (Burned my arm Midsummer making my fabulous Jansson)

Jonas; Well, it was healing pretty good I thought.

C; That has to be hurting.

J; I can feel it, yes.

C; You have a third degree burn again! I offered you treatment two weeks ago and you refused. See what happens.

J; It's not that bad, it was pretty good until Saturday.

C; You put sunscreen on it, didn't you.

J; Yes, and I reapplied several times. ( I said this very proudly)

C; That's the worst you can do,why didn't you cover it up? Let me take a look.

And I let her, after all she is a nurse.

C; Jonas, your burn is infected, I can't believe you. Okay, stand here and I get some stuff and you will follow my directions! You hear!

So I get some antibiotic ointment, gauze, sterile pads and an earful of what to do. I should be OK in about 5 days.

C; So after you shower you do this, OK?

J; That would be Saturday morning.

C; Jonas, so not funny.Men! I tell you! It will leave a big mark now since you didn't take care of it.

All I think is when did she become my mom and how in the heck does she know how to sound like my mom?

I appreciate her concern and my arm is not throbbing as much any more. But my scar I will brag about and show off whether you care or not. Like a real man.

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