Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today my grandfather died. Morfar. Swedish for Mothers Father. We did not have a good relationship, haven't seen him in years, but at the end of the day he was my Morfar. I have a lot of great memories of him, he was a very kind man, too kind for his own good, that I will cherish. Morfar said that he was ready and curious on what is on the other side.

Morfar, now you're there. I hope that it is just what you hoped for. If any one deserves a break, it is my Morfar.


Today was Halloween. The kids dressed up and Marta took them trick or treating. I was at home base handing out candy. So I thought. 10 trick or treater's was all I got. We have tons of candy left. What is wrong with people? We have never had this bad a turnout. I guess they all think that we are sex offenders, aliens as we are. It is sad that society has become so afraid of one's next neighbor that they won't go trick or treating. God forbid they step on your property and trip, you will loose your house. Well, as long as your lawyer is better than theirs, you're OK.

The kids had fun, I had fun (I will gain 10 lbs after testing the candy) and Marta made a gourmet meal. That is all that matters.

NC Halloween

A few pics from last weekend

The weekend

We had a hectic weekend and tons of fun. It started out Friday with the steering braking down on the Cadillac at 60 mph. That was a scary event. 900$ later and it is as new.

Saturday morning we left for Charlotte, NC to the Neal's annual Halloween party. What a party that was. We were about 40 families and the whole thing was catered towards the kids. They had a hay ride, a maze, pumpkin patch, ghost walk, a grave yard etc, etc. A witch did magic shows and a caterer served good food. We spent the night and the next day I went to the Panthers game, they lost badly to the Colts as expected.

Alex is talking about this party every day, I have never been to a nicer party. They went all out. That they have a beautiful house on on Lake Norman was just the dot above the i, did I mention that they are extremely generous and down to earth people? That's a good thing because Fia is their future daughter in law (if Connor stays as sweet as he is).

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Too tired

I am not a morning person. My alarm goes off at 5.45am every day and I hate it. I have had this morning routine for the past 15 years and I still hate it, can't seem to get used to it.

This morning I woke up, hit the snooze a few times and tried to be as quiet as I can. Not to wake anyone up I don't turn on any lights. This morning was even darker due to rain showers. As a result I put on one blue and one black Croc this morning. I have worn them all day without any comments. I guess people don't pay attention to one's shoes.

Or they are laughing at me behind my back.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Is what I hear around 2.00 am. The little Sofia can't sleep so she wants to jump in our bed. She knows that mom won't wake up, I on the other hand get my arms out and lift her into bed. I let her fall asleep and then I carefully carry her back to her own bed. Then at 4.00 am we repeat the procedure. Some nights I give in at 2.00.

This is the only time when Fia is snuggly, she is stingy with her hugs during daytime. And she hates to be covered by the duvet so I freeze from the wee morning hours on. I am sure tonight will be no different.

Monday, October 22, 2007

A good friend

Marta booked Alex's birthday party last week at Blackbeard's Cove.

That is all fine and dandy but a with one tiny problem. He has way too many friends, this will cost a fortune. I think we can have up to 14 kids, after that we have to upgrade to the next level (24 kids). Cheap as I am these days I said to Marta let's keep it within 12-14 kids, find out who he plays with at school so we don't have to invite the whole class, 15 kids.

Well, lo and behold, what do you know. The little rascal is friends with everybody. His teacher's and the Director told Marta that he is one of those rare children that gets along with everybody and plays with them all. He is very sweet and polite and a super good friend. Next week he is the kid of the week and they are all excited and they think that later in life he will be voted the nicest kid/friend etc.

Typical that we get a child like that, now we have to invite everybody. Darn it. I still have 1 1/2 month to mean him up and teach him how to pick on people a little so that we can keep the party cheaper. What is he thinking, being nice to everybody. No, I will have to get that out of him before we go bankrupt. The first count is 29 kids, we have to go to 36 kids party pack, SIGH!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Santa Claus

We had Santa come a Thursday in October, not Santa but Pam or Grandma to half our house hold.

I could hardly open the door when I got home. Apparently Belk's had an enormous sale of Nautica, Ralph Lauren, Lilly Pulitzer, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY etc.

Pam of course had to spoil us rotten as always, she can smell a good sale from miles away.

Jonas; Pam, you don't need to do this.

Pam; I know.

Jonas; Thank you so much.

Pam; You're welcome Honey.

Jonas; Wow, how much did you get?

Pam; I saved 3000$ over regular price.

Who says Santa lives in the North Pole? She lives right here in Mt.Pleasant and goes by the name Grandma.

Soccer star

This is our soccer star, next generation David Beckham. Let's hope he marries a prettier girl, but I guess as long as the money is good.

Alex's season is almost over, seams like it started yesterday. Well, when November rolls in he start to play flag football (American football).Then you will find a very quiet Swede on the sideline, I have no idea what one should do.

Peace of mind

This is what gives me peace of mind. We could have used a bit more wind but who's picky?

Bird poop

I have longed for a painting that I saw a few years back home at IKEA. I finally found it on line an ordered it just to wait months to get it. It is a reprint made by Luc Pages that I absolutely love. We received it yesterday and after the kids got to bed Marta and I assembled it. It is quite large 78"x55" or 200cm x 140cm. That takes up all off the wall in the living room.

Marta, Did you measure the wall before you ordered it?

Jonas, Sure I did(the hell I did).

Marta, It is really big.

Jonas, Yep.

We get it hung above the couch.

Marta, What's that on the rooks? Looks like birdpoop.

Jonas, Well it is out in the archipelago, probably from sea gulls.

Marta, Man, that poop is florescent.

So now, all I see is florescent sea gull poop when I look at my beloved art in our living room. Thanks honey!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ear infections

It is just mom that doesn't sport an ear infection at this moment. I have a double and the kids got singles. Man,oh man does it hurt and it's so bloody annoying that I'm in a pissy mood. I don't have the time for this stuff.

And I feel bad for my kids to but they seem to deal with it better than I am.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Goodnight story

Coming home at almost 9.00 pm it is nice to see this.


Marta came home bragging that people at the playground told her that Fia looks just like her but with blond hair and blue eyes. And by the way, this is not the first time people have told her this, they do it all the time and where ever they go.

I am not surprised, I actually start to believe in people again, Marta and Fia are two pain in the ass's. They are high strong, can never sit still, super intelligent, elephant memory,looks out for the weak, extremely good looking and the two women in this world that I love beyond anything imaginable.

So tell me something new!


The Berg family has come down with colds that linger around. We are coughing and sneezing and in a bad general spirit. I have had aches and pain for a week and despite the fact I pop C-vitamins every 4 hours I still have a cold. Sofia last night had 102.7 fever so needless to say we didn't get much sleep. Alex is coughing like a seasoned cigarette smoker.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To much in tax

Marta managed to pay taxes and renew a registration on our old Volvo 850. That is all and good besides the fact we sold that car in April, the 19th to be exact. Now we are stuck in a dilemma to get the money back and I am terrified that if something happened with the car that we are liable. So far it doesn't look good.

DMV; You sold the car in April?

I; Yes.

DMV; You are to return the plate and registration and fill out form #419.

I; I did that April 21st. Now what do I do.

DMV; Well, as I said you need to...

I; I know, I have done that, I can't give you the plate because you all ready got it from me. Now what do we need to do.

DMV; My supervisor is at lunch, can you call back?

I; Sure, I have nothing else to do.

I don't sense that this will go smoothly. All I remember of the guy that bought the car is that his name is Quinn and they were to move to North Carolina.

Monday, October 8, 2007

This is what I get?

It looks like my wife is trying to tell me something. She clearly doesn't understand that I am the victim here.
I am the one that will have to get everybody fed and taken care off. Not just the 4 of us. For the next couple of weeks we are 7 and 1 dog.
It is her left, she is right handed, no excuse for me not to get spoiled as always.

Poor Mom

Sofia dislocated moms finger this afternoon. She was not listening as always so mom had to save her.I got a phone call late at work, I should have been on the road going home all ready, but Tim and Pam came to the rescue.

As I pulled up, Pam was playing with the kids, I open the door when I hear;

Hi Jonas.

That was Ashley and her daughter looking for some stuff that Marta said she had for them. As the kids were screaming their lungs out playing with grandma Sara appears. Her family is staying with us for two weeks or so while their house gets remodeled. With Sarah's help, she knew what I was searching for I found the stuff for Ashley (I sent Ashley to go through our closets herself to find the bathtub which she did) and they went on their way.

By now it is dinner time and I manage to get them fed and then it is bath and story time. Tim (who took Marta to the hospital) and Marta came back, Tim and Pam left, kids got a bath, I refused rice with the fish so I went to the store and made my signature bean salad, signature I tell you, kids in bed after a story. Phew!

We have had a very nice dinner, Sarah and Marta are downstairs talking, all three kids asleep and I am blogging.

The Berg residence is just now a F****** circus.


This is Miss Evil.

Today she got mom hurt. Do not let her blond hair and super blue eyes fool you, she is bad to the bone.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Birthday girl

Our little Milu turns 7 today. I can not believe it, it feels like yesterday when she was just 6 weeks old and could hardly walk. She used to fit in my hand, now she weighs 65 pounds. We got her a new Chuck It, a pink tennis ball and liver treats. And we sang Feliz Complianos.

Downhill Betsy

This is Betsy, she is a very comfortable lady that has a few quirks. The check coolant light is always on (even though there is plenty of coolant in the system) except when you go down a hill. then the light comes off. That is why she is Downhill Betsy.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Or are these more beautiful?

Beautiful children

Bag of white

As sheltered as I am I always get scared when I get in too close of contact with drugs. Tonight closing up the golf course I found two men in the shower passed out. Thinking they were just drunk I chased them out of there. That is when they dropped a bag containing white powder.

To the owner of the cocaine ( I presume it was) come claim it, I have done enough time to know what a bag of white is so you will have to dig it out of the vacuum cleaner yourself.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Viking genes

To the one that commented on how my children are blond and my wife is not?

Well, first off Viking genes are very strong, extremely strong, stronger than anything you can think of.

With that said, I am so happy that my kids got the brain from my wife, she is a very smart woman (God only knows why she hangs with me) and her good looks, her ability to pay attention to the one in need, help them out etc,etc. My list would be too long for this blog to handle.

If you would ever even care about to get to know us, you would know what I am talking about.

Next question!

Makeup parties

My gorgeous wife has way too many friends that take advantage of her. The other night she went to a makeup party, that is when they try to sell you mascara and lip gloss and whatever else is made of left over pigs bodies. I for one think most women do not need this, my wife especially.
However, she looks damn hot!

Another Jeep

I owned a Jeep Cherokee years ago by now, it has been to date the worst vehicle I have ever owned, keep in mind I have owned 2 Alfa Romeos. As like the Alfas a Jeep is something special, a lot of character and a mind of their own. But boy do you enjoy driving one. I would buy an other Alfa in a hearth beat again knowing that I would have to spend a fortune to keep it running, a friend once told me (it was most likely my dad) that an Alfa spends one week in the garage and one week on the road. Well, we all have to go through it, Dad, do you care to bring up
maintenance cost on your British sport cars? Didn't think so.

Long story short, Alex and Fia got their first Jeep against Dad's better knowledge.


Today is gray, rainy and muggy. I hate days like this, to top it off I have worked outside for the past couple of hours and now I am soaking wet. I still have 1/2 a day to go and more because I have to much to do to leave in a decent hour. I bet the kids are super hyped having to stay inside all day. They both have colds and I am just waiting for mine to arrive. Someone said it might rain for 4 days.