Friday, February 29, 2008

World population

I try and keep up with what's going on in the world. I read various printed media and I watch CNN and FOX. Marta says that now I have passed the line what is normal to keep up with. She says I need to chill out, this is obsessive.

I do loose a lot of sleep trying to keep up with this, but some one just has to.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jeff is 40!

Hipp Hipp Hurray!

Congrats Bro!


Jonas, Marta, Alex, Sofia,and Milu

Old food?

This week we have dealers from across the country here at work for training and info on new products. Last night was the kick off dinner at Sticky Fingers.

We had a good time, nice to meet a few new people and good to see the ones we have done business with for several years now. We mingled and finally sat down to eat. The food was good and there were some left overs that we could not bring with us because that is against company policy. That I do not understand.

The food was served buffet style in foil platters. We wanted food for X amount of people and Sticky Fingers estimated how much food would be necessary for our private party which we also paid for. So in my eyes it is our food. What are they going to do with it anyway? Throw it out? Donate it to a homeless shelter, which would be nice. Mix it in with tomorrows buffet? If that's the case who's old food did I eat?

Any one that knows why it is like this? The server nor the manager could tell us why. But it is a brilliant company policy.

So I left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, I guess they recycled some old food.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I can dance!

I at times think back about my past as it intercepts with my future. Marta likes to dance with me when she feels snuggly. I how ever can't dance worth a damn except for the ocasional coconut dance.

Then I remembered this song from when I was about 10 years old, and what a life saver it was when I asked a pretty girl if she cared to join me on the floor during a school dance. I was really into this German band, Kraftwerk. I still hope for them to be played when Marta and I go out ( once every blue moon). I sure can dance like Fred Astaire to this one.

Try to avoid this one, Sis

I was born in the early 70's and my little sister a few years after that. Now when we both got children she has supplied me with old kids movies and shows that we used to watch when we were little kids our selfs. I really appreciate that, I have in all honesty asked for a few, how ever there is a show she has not sent me. I have the Electric Banana Band's cd in my car and my kids love it. So did my sister and I as kids, well at least I did. Edvin and Hugo, ask your mom about it will you?

The Oscars

One bad thing about the screen writers not being on strike any more is that our TV is back on again as normal. Their strike was a blessing to me as you can not believe. Marta really likes to watch TV, I don't. Not that I would sit down and talk to my wife during this period, it was just really nice to read my book in peace and quiet.

Marta: Honey the Oscar's is about to start, would you like to sit down next to me?

Jonas: No.

Marta: What are you...? You're about to blog are you?

Jonas: Yes.

Marta: OK honey.

She sounds very disappointed.

Jonas: You know I could care less about this stuff, would you like for me to blog about you?

Marta: No, I just thought since there is a Spanish actor nominated this year you might be interested.

Jonas: Honey, even if it was the hottest chick from Sweden I could care less.

I saw the movie with the guy ( No country for old men) and he was great. I still could care less.
I do recommend that movie, some of the best acting I have ever seen, not just by the Spanish dude, all of them. I didn't care for the end though.

The little Milu

Our German Shepard, Milu, gets really pissed off if I go down to the boat with out her. The little Milu is now 7 1/2 years old and has spent as much time on the boat as I have. We picked her up from the SPCA about the same time we rescued Katie Too from the grave yard.

Milu hates to get wet, as most Shepard's I have met does, still she loves being on the water. Once I forgot to put her life jacket on before we left the dock. As a result, as I'm backing out of the slip Milu abandons ship. The hairy little shit decided it was not safe to go with out the life jacket on, who can blame her.

Never the less, she knows where to hang out and when I say let's tack, she readily changes sides.

A day on the water

We went sailing off course. Today we had a very good friend of mine with us, Jeff. His birthday is coming up so we went sailing while Marta prepared a gourmet meal at our house.

We met up at Jeff's house and loaded a table he built out of 100 year old wood in to the back of his truck. He delivered it on the way down to the marina and then we left the dock under great conditions. Sunshine, warm, good winds. We started out in t-shirt only but it got a little to nippy going to windward so the sweaters were put on.

Back at the dock we left for waterfront park and enjoyed kite flying, running, jumping, you name it.

Then we went home, used every out door toy we have, which is plenty, and finally I got the grill going. It is pretty nice to stand outside in shorts and t-shirt a February night and grill. We had a few appetizers, grilled lamb (charcoal not gas grilled) and roasted fingerling potatoes. We finished the evening with a pecan pie.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Property tax

As of Tuesday this week.

Jonas: Have you paid the taxes on the caddie?

Marta: No, I just mail them a check tomorrow.

Jonas: You can't do that, my tag expires this month. You have to go pay it at the DMV.

Marta: OK honey, please put the bill and our check book in my purse and I take care of it tomorrow ( Marta sounds a little annoyed but still, she's the slacker).

Come Thursday of this week.

Jonas: Did you pay the taxes?

Marta: I did honey.

Jonas: Where's the new sticker?

Marta: I didn't get one.

Jonas: Babe, WHAT?

Marta: I have the receipt, you can relax.

Jonas: Did you realize I was a week off, February doesn't end this Friday, we have a whole other week. You could have mailed it.

Marta: I know.

Jonas: Thanks for not making a fuss about me being paranoid.

Marta: I love you.

Helan går!

I need to be frank with you, as you follow this blog and become more and more Swedish ( we are still taking over the world, vikings are yet again to be aware off) there might be some people making fun of you and for the way you speak.

I for one have experienced this and it sucks. Not to be worried, I will let Marta and Fia take care of them, a sure retaliation. One of the most Swedish things to do is to sing Helan Går. A lot of people will make fun of you when you do so and that might have you experience video # 1.

Well it is some what true, we only sing it when we're drunk, or want to get drunk. The true spirit of this song is the one of what you can sense in the last two videos. If you are still remotely unsure, just Google it.


Fia is my little girl, she gets very upset when she realizes that I leave the house. Alex has never been tied like this to me, could it be the different sexes? I think it might be, I want for Alex to be strong, a man. Well he isn't, he is very sensitive, looks out for every one else but him. He is thinking for himself and has proven to be a very smart and artistic little guy. He is what I want to be like, a person who sees the needs and tries to help the next of kind .

Then I have my little Fia. She is as strong and independent of a person that I wish I had half of that self assurance. She is so secure in who she is and she demands that we all know that she is. I call her my mini Marta as you might know. Not that I say that my wife is not a very good person and the best friend any one could have, Fia is absolutely adorable in my eyes with wonderful qualities, just like my wife.

Show offs

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sailing center

I am about to take part in some politics tonight. For the past couple of years our town, Mount Pleasant, has talked about a community sailing center. They have more or less ditched the idea so a handful of locals are taking action to make this happen.

As a die hard sailor and with kids that can potentially utilize a sailing center like this is definitely worth fighting for. I grew up with something similar back home, heck we have one in about every creek, nothing fancy, a lot of volunteer work and a tremendous great experience for the kids. Let's get one here in our town.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This morning Marta had a doctors appointment. I knew that she had one, we had arranged for the kids to be with their grandparents. Marta calls me early at my office.

Marta: Aren't you going to call me and wish me luck?

Jonas: I was just about to.

Marta: Right.

Jonas: I was, I swear.

Marta: Mhmm.

Jonas: Good luck honey!

Marta: It doesn't count now.

And she hung up on me. I can understand that she got her feelings hurt, this was a big thing for her. It went well, so far so good. But as I'm packing up here to head on home all I think is, man, she's going to chop my tomatoes.

Learn Swedish part 2

As I am slowly changing the world to become Swedish speaking I figure that it might speed progress up by using music. If you learn this song no one will ever doubt that you are not Swedish.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Redneck show

Some people accuse SEWE for being nothing but a show that attracts rednecks. Well, it is about the outdoors, focus on fishing, wild animals, hunting, camping and such. There's a redneck in most of us.

They might have a good point though. How about a motorized cooler? I'm serious, 698$ gets you this package for two. Run by a little 2-stroke motor up to 15 mph. I'm sure that the market is hot.
Fia preferred the pink camouflage 4-wheeler.


Today we went to SEWE ( south eastern wildlife expo) with grandma and grandpa. This expo is an annual event and it kicks of the tourist season in Charleston. We only went to one part of the expo, down to Brittle bank park where they had dock dogs, dogs jumping off from a 40 foot dock in to a pool, retriever demonstrations and lots of food.

The jumping dogs run down a dock and their handler throw a ball or duck in the pool. Longest jumping dog wins. Today's winner jumped 23 feet 9 inches. Water splashes everywhere and it is more fun to watch than it might sound.

Marta wants for Milu to join next year. What a success that will be, the darn dog refuses to go into any type of water. Hell, she walks around puddles for Pete's sake.

What do you want to watch?

Marta: Night rider, I don't care for that.

Jonas: Change to what ever, I'm going to blog.

Marta: Blog? You're not going to sit here with me and be mimosi ( snugly).

Jonas: Nope.

Marta: What are you going to blog about?

Jonas: Jumping dogs.

Marta: Oh.

Jonas: Would you like for me to blog about how beautiful you are?

Marta: yes, I like that, that never gets boring.

So I will, Marta is the most beautiful woman on this planet. Period. End of discussion.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Another Saturday

As usuall we went out on the boat. It was an absolutely perfect day fot it.. Cora had a race going and as the past commodore says so well, we're just beautifing the harbor with our spinnakers.
Today we had some friends come with us.We started with the main only so the kids could do some dolphin spotting. After we went under the bridge we set for full sails, didn't do to bad, kept up with a Beneteau 473. I doubt that they knew what was going on or even tried to race us, I still think we did well considering I haven't cleaned the bottom since past September.
And to top it off, on the way back Katie got a compliment from a guy on a Morris 32. He said what a beautiful boat you have. I know I do but dad, I need you to come over and redo my brightwork, no one can varnish as my dad. Or maybe the guy wanted me to compliment him on his boat which I didn't, mine is prettier and yes, I'm still a jackass.

Friday, February 15, 2008


This week went by quick, this month is going by quick.

Happy hour with my boys from work this afternoon. Then pick up the family and head to the hockey game.

Up early tomorrow, get the club house ready, coffee at Atlanta Bread and after that a wide open weekend, a long one at that. It is Presidents day on Monday. At least he's good for something.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What has happen to me?

Mr. Jackass fat as could be.What the hell has happened? I will no longer eat vegetables, crap food. It's impossible it would be my daily beer intake.

For the ones that really know me from long ago, the painting in the background came from Hammarliden. My very good friend/extra pappa gave it to me and it used to belong to his morfar Elof (Loffe). The story is that Loffe died and as I was offered his appartment his grandson Bertil ( I first met him in 1986 and he's the one at fault for me getting involved with sail boat masts) asked me if there was anything that I would like to keep. Among a few cool 50's china I saw this painting. I fell in love with it and every day I look at it and I smile. We have it hanging in our kitchen, just above Milu's food and water ( Bertil can appreciate an animal lover no need to mention Morris), and my whole family knows that it is a very special painting to me.

I'm not all that bad

OK, I know I can be a better husband/father but did you really think a corny blog was it for Valentine's? Hell no, I got Marta flowers, wine and selfish as I am blue cheese for me. Marta made an excellent dinner as always for us.

Come to think of it, she's the one that didn't do anything out of the normal to mark this special day. What the hell is going on here? Maybe I'm just plain old spoiled rotten. Nah, can't be it, she has a fox buried, once I figure it out I let you know.


Feliz dia de San Valetin. Besos /J(tu blogger preferido)

For Marta

Since it is valentine's day and I haven't got Marta chocolates, flowers or even a card I thought that I use this forum instead. Just for you Honey, a song I know you like.

Happy Valentine's day

I hope you have a good one.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fuel for a blogger

What took you so long?

When I got home today the house was imaculate, clean as never before and smelled like heaven. I got all excited and checked the AC filter and it needed to be replaced.

Marta: Please, take the kids for 30 minutes.

Jonas: I can do better than that, we're heading to Lowe's for a new filter.

Marta: If you go to Lowe's, stop at Palmetto Moon and get Fia a pair of Crocs, we lost her left one.

So the kids and I leave, we get Fia a new pair of Crocs, light pink ( like Ana's) and since they both behaved so well, they got to pick one jibbitz each. Alex picked Superman and Fia a skull and bones. Then we went to Lowe's, we poke around and my phone rings and I pick up.

Marta: What is taking so long?

Jonas: They have about 8 different lawn mowers, we need to test ride them all.

Marta: OK, don't buy one.

Jonas: We won't, be home in a sec.

Marta: I believe that like the moon is blue.

Jonas: Love you honey.

Marta: Yeah, yeah so you say.

We got the filter and we stopped to get milk for Alex, I just don't understand why she is so nervous when I get to Lowe's. Like I'm a person who buy tools on a whim. It is a fact that a man can not have enough tools, I'm for instance always one short for the projects around the house.


I at times look at my children and is absolutley flabbergasted by the fact that they are blond, my features and one is blue eyed. Then as you get to know them, their personalities is all Marta. And Alex does have the sweetest brown eyes, just like mom.

Stick shift

As you know my car is acting up more and more, the latest is it has a new electrical mystery, you never know if it will crank. The battery is fresh, 6 months old, but randomly something drains it out over night. Try to find that easily.

So yesterday I went and looked at 2 different cars, a Volkswagen Rabbit and a Saturn Astra. Priced about the same and the Rabbit came out on top. See, I want a stick shift not a automatic transmission. The rabbit no problem, the Saturn a different song. We can find you one if you like they said (they had one on the lot out of 30 and I could not try it due to their mechanic had to fix something). I said OK, find it. There is one available in Illinois and it will cost $620 to get it here.

So I thought about it, looked at the cars they had and decided maybe I just get this one instead. They want 1350$ extra for automatic and it also had a 620$ destination charge on it. I said, explain why I would pay 620$ when it is here in the lot? No good logic came out of them so they can keep the darn car.

So I will search some more and I am disappointed with the Saturn way of business, they do have a spiffy little car.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We try to buy organic and local food and produce as much as we can afford to. Marta is very picky when it comes to quality of food. Growing up in Spain with an abundance of local markets with very high quality food has left a significant imprint in her. I too, grow up with market fresh food, not like here, mass produced and frozen.

Lately I have noticed that the word organic has been replaced more often than not with artisan which is confusing the crap out of me and to top it of they spell it out artisanal which is not right.
I guess it sound more appealing and sophisticated so maybe they can charge more for their product.

With the down turn in our economy I might try the concept with our marketing manager. After all, our masts are artisan made.

A sign

As I scanned Pet's Mart for goldfish I saw a sign, Goldfish 1/2 off. Then I walked in the isle where the tanks are and lo and behold, Goldfish starter kit 1/2 off. Talk about meant to be, a sign from above.

So, I just went and got what I came for, Milu's food. No matter how good a deal or big of a sign from above, I've learned that doesn't fly with Marta.

Monday, February 11, 2008


I have to stop at Pet's Mart on my way home today and pick up food for Milu.

Since Fia got so hurt maybe I should pick her up a goldfish for starters kit? We do need more stuff to take care of. Alex and I stopped at Walmart a few weeks back and looked at their fish. Half of them swam upside down, or so I told Alex. They were dead as could be. You won't see me pick up as much as a chew toy in their store after that experience.

Dog day

Once we stopped Fia from not bleeding all over the place we went to the hockey game. Early game, 4.00 pm and it was bring your dog day.

Wonderful idea right? Well, first off it is loud in there, not to good for a dog. And when you have a pit bull breathing down your child's neck, not exactly a warm tingly feeling. Or maybe it could smell the blood from earlier in the day?

We stayed and saw our team win 3-1. Then we joined the rest in the " try to make it to the car without stepping in dog pop 500".

A good idea indeed, bring your dog to the game.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


We went to a new Pirate park this morning, it's on Daniel island, a very expensive and beautiful area of Charleston. How the City of Charleston got it annexed is beyond me. You have to take a boat from down town or drive through neigboring cities to get there, makes perfect sense to have it belong to the city.

Any way, the kids played hard, a little to hard for Fia who fell while climbing and busted her lip and bit her thounge so there was blood all over the place. Marta freaked out and started running to the car with Fia, yelling at me at the same time. Alex hurried as best he could, all in the car and a hysteric Marta is dialing the pediatrician's office.

A pop cicle later and Fia looks beaten up but in some what good spirits. Her west is in the washer, I doubt that it will ever get white again.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Good morning

Up in the crack of dawn, made sure the club house is up to par. Looks like it might be a beautiful day.

Good morning golfers!

Friday, February 8, 2008

The boat

It cost a fortune to keep a boat, lots of maintenance and time consuming. Then again on a sunny February afternoon I get reminded why it's worth it. This clip is from yesterday.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Have you ever?

Have you ever felt that you're not enough? Or that you are embarressed for your family? Or even worse, you are rude to them and do not treat them with the respect they deserve?

I have, I have and I'm ashamed of myself that I am rude and respectles.

See, your blogger is surrounded by people who love him, I'm not going crazy here, just follow a little bit. I used to be a pretty funny guy with a good genuine old smile, could charm almost every one and their brother and truly ment for them to feel good. I am a brother, a big one at that, trusted to be a god father to two beautiful boys. And look at me, stressed out beyond imaginable, every time I speak to my parents it's whine, whine poor me. Last time I had my inlaws over from Spain I showed my ass. Lets not get started on my American side of our family.

I feel I have the wheight of the world on my shoulders, I do. I'm short, inresponsive and , truth be told, a fucking prick.

I am truly sorry, I never ment to hurt you, I love you with all my heart. The only promise I have/can make is to Marta:

I will do my best to find my smile again.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The best game ever

Went and saw the South Carolina Stingrays play the other day. The best darn game I have ever seen them play. 5-0 Stingrays. Did the other team suck? No, shots on goal only differed by 2 shots at the end of the night.

As an old goal keeper in Selden Hockey Bockey team, I can appreciate some good defense players, not to mention the goal keeper, doing an outstanding job.

The only thing lacking is comunity support, where are you Charleston?

The cutest Catholic

If she is not the cutest one there is, then show me some proof. I am very blessed.
Yes, she went and lasted tonight's mass, the dark in her forehead are ashes.

To be a blogger

In my inbox today:

Hello,It's oyster season and Lowcountry bloggers have scheduled a meet up scheduled for 6:30pm Thursday, February 7th at Bowen's Island Restaurant. It should be a great chance to swap ideas, share stories, and just meet the people behind the blogs. Just let me know if you think you may show; I'd like to give the manager a heads up if we have a large group.Just as a warning, Bowens Island Restaurant only takes cash or checks (according to the site).
1870 Bowens Island RDFolly Beach - Folly Island,SC 29439

What do you think, should I go and show my face? I have only recieved two death threats since I started blogging. Showing my face sounds really beneficial. On the other hand I love oysters low country style, any one out there that can lend me a protective west?

Setting a good example

Once in awhile my good buddy Scott and I get together for happy hour. This doesn't happen as often as we would like but no complains, I am very happy for what I get.

Scott is a good old southern home boy, born and raised in rinky dink town South Carolina, you would never know, he lost his southern twang cause he married a Brittish chick. They are living happily ever after with a family bigger than ours that we truly enjoy.

During our seldom get togethers at happy hour we always come up with great ideas Scott and I. Last time we figured it is time for both our sons, who are only one year apart and friends, to go camping, stuff like that. We figured that hell, we just go on Katie Too, she's readily available.

As I past obsticle one, Marta's aproval, I started to think of the friends I have with boats and kids our age. There are'nt that many but we can get probably 2-3 boats together. Then I remember as a kid we always had a song that we sang ( my parents took us sailing as kids and rafted up all over the place and I loved it) to be more united. I haven't found a proper one until today.

Next step is to get the rest of our families to come with us, specially our wifes wearing bikinis up on foredeck. As a side note you might know that I can't have any more children, you get the picture of where I'm getting at here, I'm sure.

I can truly see our sons benefitting from this.

El Maco

Imagine if Mc Donald's start to sell this product here in the US. It was only last month when Beaners coffee shops changed their name. One has to be politically correct.

Ash Wednesday

As the turncoat in the family I am not overly disappointed if I miss mass tonight. I have went for most of the years since I got serious with Marta and it is very important to her that she and the kids go. That is fine with me and I do intend to try and make it. I have how ever some work to do that takes priority, the option being a longer fast than necessary.

Ash Wednesday mark the beginning of lent and with that we in the Berg family can't eat meat on Friday's, just fish. Marta is very strict about this. The Catholic church here compared to the one in Spain is very different in my opinion, it is easier and makes more sense in Spain.

I tried to tell her that after mass we could go to Two Guys Burgers and Fries, but she doesn't think so, she would check with her mom if this is allowed. We will just whip together some fish at the house I suppose.

Statements below is from our church, Christ Our King

Lent is the period before Easter. It covers the 40 days before Easter, not counting Sundays. The dating of Easter determines that of Lent. The earliest Lent can begin is February 4 and the latest it can end is April 24. The origin of the word Lent originally meant the season of Spring. Whereas Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus after His death on the Cross, Lent is concerned with preparation for Holy Week, which recalls the events leading up to and including Christ's crucifixion.

Lenten Regulations

Each year the hold season of Lent provides us a special time of grace and spiritual renewal so that we may become better instruments in sharing the gospel message. The present laws of the Church regarding fast and abstinence during the Season of Lent are as follows:

  1. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast. On days of fast, one full meal is allowed. Two lesser meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each person's needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted. Catholics who have completed their 18th year are bound by this law until the beginning of their 60th year.
  2. Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence. On days of abstinence, meats should not be taken at any meal. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics who have completed their 14th year.

The Obligation to observe, as a whole or "substantially", the penitential days specified by the Church is a serious obligation. The New Code of Canon Law states: "on these days (of Penance), the faithful are in a special manner to devote themselves, by fulfilling their obligations more faithfully and especially by observing the fast and abstinence..."

May this Holy Lenten season provide us an opportunity for deepening our faith, hope, and love through a life of deeper prayer, penitential practices, and works of charity.


Every day there is discussion on immigration here where I live. Here the focus is mostly on illegal immigration from Hispanic countries. 9 years ago when I left the mother country not a day went by without discussions on a similar topic. The countries differ a bit policy wise as I with interest follow local media in both places. I don't have a solution, different groups of people just don't mix. Always been that way and always will.

A big difference is that here they have jobs as far as I know. There is always some one willing to pay under the table. Just down the road from work there's a gas station where you can pick up a laborer for a day or two. All you need is to pull up and they will jump right into the back off your truck. I'm pretty sure this does not occur in Sweden. Again, if you as an Hispanic have legal status my take is that you are expected to keep on jumping into that truck bed no matter what.

As an immigrant (legal) I at times run in to it. Not as much as my wife, who has a darker complexion than I. It just makes me sad that instead of being appreciative and focus on a productive future that benefits all we just get angry. What a waste.

American idol

Caught a glimpse of last nights show when I finally got home. We don't follow this show but it is advertised and offcourse while channel surfing you get enough of a hang of it.

Last night was in Atlanta, the week before here in Charleston.The one thing every show has in common that really bothers me is:

Why the hell does every convention center in the US have to have such tacky carpet?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Crap weekend

I feel like shit, I've been sick and I'm still recovering. Came down with something Saturday afternoon and didn't leave the bed until this morning. To sum it up.

Clubhouse in the morning, Alex's last football game, kids and I went sailing and got a powerboat ride up Shipyard Creek. Got home and I had high fever. Marta and the kids went to Alex's football party and had a blast, I was in bed.

I'm still sick as a dog, in bed all day. The rest of the family is out and about having fun at a pirate park. Marta makes all kind of good food for a super bowl party. They have a good time with our friends. I am still miserable, almost dying.

Forget work, running high fever. Sleep all day with the help of Tylenol pm. Alex is at school, Fia and Marta have playgroup and then they all go to the park. I never left upstairs.

I hate being sick.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Light bulbs

Both of our cars are in a phase of burned out light bulbs. I have replaced 5 bulbs in 2 weeks on Marta's car and one on mine. This is a pain in the ass to do, modern cars are to be taken in to the dealer to do this I guess.

On the Caddie I had to disassemble half the front to get the low beam bulb out. All kinds of tools needed, significant blood shed, 7 dollars and the bulb was changed.

The Volvo has had 3 position lights changed and 1 brake light. All of these have caused a lot of cursing on my part, no tools needed how ever.

Last night I got home late and Marta tells me that one of her headlights are out. As she made dinner I walked out in the garage to change the bulb. Still no tools needed but a flash light and skinny long arms and fingers would have been great to have. I got it out and went to the store to pick a new one up. It took two stores before I found the right bulb and offcourse it is the most expensive in the store, $ 15.

After extensive cursing, mostly over the price, the car is fixed.