Friday, October 31, 2008
We are together all right but some of the memories and skills and fights and hard times we would have to deal with is a thrill I'm searching for.
Ultimately I would like to sell all we have and go around the world on a 3-5 year voyage. Marta knows this and promised me before we were married that she's on board with it. I never gave her a time frame nor did she give me one, we're not dead yet and in all honesty I had after kids in mind.
Then I came across some articles about cruising with kids and I met some cruising kids and their parents.
We had a long talk about it the other night and Marta listened to me, had some really good points of why not and promised to think about it.
The next day she tells me that if I really want to I can take a year off by my self and her and the kids would be right here to welcome me back.
Not what I had in mind but I will hold this against her if I ever get this opportunity, because this I will do in a heart beat with a big smile on my face.
Why I love my wife
Happy Halloween
A poor turn out down our cul-de-sac has left us with about 8 pounds of candy left.
My stinking neighbor out did me again ( the guy that has the LED lights for Christmas), he showed Halloween cartoons on his drive way, he had his stupid projector upside down in the window above the garage.
Did I mention he had surround sound in the yard?
I did as best I could screaming from our yard, we have the good candy not the cheap stuff.
No effect on the kids what so ever.
Or could it be that grandpa drove his limousine and parked it in our drive way?
Maybe more people than he thinks don't want to be associated with the darn thing.
We all know grandma rather run naked down the street than being seen in the limo.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
First frost
Long sleeve undershirt, a t shirt, fleece sweater and long pants. Haven't worn that since March.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jeep on steroids
To wait
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hang out
Tonight was such a night. We had two families over from Alex and Fia's school that Marta and I have hung with but not all of us together. We had a great time. All the kids got along ( we knew that) and we men connected immediately ( that was the question) over grilling the food. Who can go wrong there?
I'm just reminding myself how fortunate we are, to be able to have people over and laugh so hard over trivial jokes that somehow connects us where we are in life. I'm very blessed.
Oh, the theme of the night, Greek, Marta makes a spread like you can not believe. Who knows, you might be next to be invited....
Movie night
The kids wanted to watch this movie.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I told him that I would look in to it and satisfied with that he left.
I turned all lights of and checked the doors and set the alarm. I jumped in Betty and drove through the parking lot, crossed the street and up the drive to the fitness center.
As my head lights lit up the asphalt in front of me I saw some sort of contraption in the road way. It seemed to be a skate board ramp/jump aimed so that one would land on the practice green.
I got out of the car and started to take the jump down when a SUV pulled in behind me and some teens jumped out wondering what the f*** I was doing with their jump.
I questioned who they were and if they knew they were trespassing on private property which they sort of acknowledged but one of them live here so they were in their rights. I off course informed them that so was not the case and questioned who would pay for damages to the green would they have jumped with their bikes up on to it.
This didn't sit so well with these youngsters and I was getting cursed more and more. I started to feel very uncomfortable as they surrounded me and I did what I guess a lot of people do. I called the police and gave the police the tag number of their car.
The teens got really pissed and a few wanted to take off before police arrived but I guess the driver of the car had done that before, he knew better to stay put than being chased by police.
Police arrived and got my input and spoke with the guys. I got the feel that the officers had come across these guys before and at the end let them go.
The teens hadn't done anything yet to destroy property but were about to and we all know it. At 9.00 o'clock at night there is no good explanation to jump bikes on a golf course green that is unlit.
I'm just glad I didn't get beat up, I'm way to old to take on some 17 year olds.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thanks Ref
What in the world was he thinking?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Last nights conversation
Marta: Honey can you get some toilet bowl cleaner at Walmart?
Jonas: I can.
M: And some dark chocolate M&Ms?
J: I can.
Well they didn't have it and we needed some food for tomorrows ( today's) dinner so I stopped at Publix as well. They sure had her M&Ms and also a cheap red wine we like. As always I bought all the bottles they had which was three.
Then later on after the kids went to bed,
M: Can I have a glass of wine and some M&Ms?
J: Sure you can.
M: Wow, that's a lot of wine but only 5 M&Ms? You think I need to loose weight?
J: No, the M&Ms almost cost more than the wine so you better enjoy them.
M: You're kidding?
J: Nope.
M: More than the wine, that's crazy.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Customer appreciation
It was indeed cold and raining on and off. We had great barbecue with all the fixin's and grand conversations. The kids ate and behaved at their best, won every body's heart. We how ever didn't win a thing in the lottery, odd because a lot of people gave Alex and Fia their tickets.
The kids won the contest who has the most name tags and who can spill the most Gatorade. Not bad, not bad at all.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hitler wine?
Frog More Stew

Frogmore Stew | |
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METHOD: Note: Frogmore Stew may be cooked indoors in a large Dutch oven on a cook top surface, over high heat, if desired. | |
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A night with dad
We went to Two Guy's Burgers and Fries.
The kids split a cheese burger and a regular fry, which is more than the three of us can eat.
I had a double bacon with jalapeno, mushrooms and grilled onions.
After that we went to Alex's soccer practise. The gnats were out in full strength and his coaches decided this is the last practise, let's focus on the games. I think we're getting shafted but then again who am I? All I know is that he won't play in this league come December, then he finally gets to play her in Mt. P. I haven't voiced my opinion too loudly due to that I have a 2 year old that wants to play soccer PAPPA! Yes sweat heart I hear you and I promise that will happen.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Or is it that the two of them and our kids get along real well?
Boy friend
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Park Day
Our 8 year old
She got a football, two tennis balls ( one white, one pink), a bag of fillet Mignon treats and a bag of liver treats.
And we off course checked out all kinds of animals as well.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
We see and upload photos and we get little tidbits and comments on our walls. All is nice and honky dory.
Then we have the part that I hate. There is a function that lets all your friends know what you're doing right now or looking forward to or what you think. I off course are sucked in to this so I gladly write, Jonas is looking forward to tomorrows race! And it always ends with an exclamation sign.
Who the hell really gives a crap about what I do or like? Or who thinks that I do?
As we don't have a joint facebook account, Marta and I we use this forum instead; Marta and Jonas...
I will get slightly drunk tonight, turn on some music from the past and dance with my wife. That'll clear my head.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Deep in thought
I honked like a madman and waived through my tinted windows and got just a stare back.
I thought at first: What the f***. How can you not recognize me?
Then I thought that maybe he is as deep in thought about the future ahead and how to be able to feed his family as I am. He might have the same grinding knot as I have in the stomach.
I hope that's not the case, I don't wish that upon anyone, it really sucks.
I would have rolled my window down if I could.
They really don't build Cadillacs as they used to, do they?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
4.30 AM
Since then I have spent all day looking at reorder points and purchase quantities. And I have adjusted some down. I have ~7000 items to look at. I have ~ 3000 left. And 1 hour 20 minutes left of my regular day. It will take me 3 hours to do this.
And after that I have to go to the Club House. I might be home 8.30PM. I'm tired. I want to take a nap.
This is a long day.