The wibes I get is that Pi had to put up with Marta before I had to. She also sat on some valuable information before we got married. Would that have changed my mind? No.
Do I resent her?
Not even a little bit.
Why not?
Put it this way, her and I say Campilla Familly. Oj oj oj.
Do we love them?
Hell yes!
Has Pi got her punishment?
Had to put up with John Jaspers didn't she. ( You did great Chris, you really did).
Do I whish she come visit?
More than you can imagine.
Chris, please come and visit. I'm a jack ass, I know it, I won't stop make fun of you unless you come. Since you're family Marta says I have to be nice (impossible), I still would love to see you.
Hi Jonas and family!!
It has been a surprise to be in your blog. Sorry for my English, you know that it is difficult for me...
So, I have to visit you! I really want to go, and probably this summer could be a great moment if you still want another campilla in your house for a couple of weeks... Are you ready for this?
Un beso ASÍ de grande!!!
That's right, you need to come visit. The door is always open.
Un beso
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