Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oil leak

My dear Betty has bleed all over the drive way. I put a quart (~1 liter) in yesterday and the darn low oil level came on again today. I know where the oil went, so does all my neighbors. I bet freaking Pentagon can see it with their satellites without magnifying all that much.

So I was almost on my way to call John up and use one of his lifts, Betty sits low. Milu lost her ball under the car and I laid down to fetch it when I saw drip, drip, drip from, you guessed it, the oil filter.

The numb nut of an imbecile never tightened it down after my oil change Tuesday. Come Tuesday ( Monday is a holiday) I'm slapping them with a free oil change for life and a bill for cleaning my drive way. Pretty fair since Betty's days are counted.

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