Tuesday, March 11, 2008


After tonight's dinner, which by the way was very similar to a dish I had the privilege to be served at Senora Maria's house, by Senora Maria herself, a few years ago in Barcelona.

Marta: I read your blog.

Jonas: Pretty cool mast, no?

Marta: Yes honey, but why didn't you blog about Alex's painting?

Jonas: I will, what's the hurry?

Marta: I told my parents you would.

Jonas: You know the log in, why not a guest blog? I've been bugging you for awhile to do one.

Marta: I don't know your log in.

Jonas: Yes you do. Unlike most people I don't use my mothers maiden name, nor do I use yours or our kids names, our dog's or anything remotely close to what one would guess, which pretty much tells you what I use since I pressume you know me by know.

Marta: OUCH! Honey, you are a slick son of a gun.

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